5 Dec 02:19 PM to 31 Dec 02:19 PM
Syringe mold maintenance is more important than mold maintenance. The more times the mold is repaired, the shorter its life; the better the mold is maintained, the longer its service life. The maintenance of the syringe mold is mainly divided into three points;

1. Daily maintenance of the mold: refueling of various moving parts such as the ejector pin, row position, guide post, and guide sleeve, cleaning of the mold surface, and clearing of water, which are maintained every day when the mold is produced.

2. Regular maintenance: Regular maintenance includes cleaning the exhaust trough in addition to daily maintenance, trapped air and black level plus exhaust, and correction of damage and wear parts.

3. Appearance maintenance: the outside of the mold is painted with paint to avoid rust. When the mold is lowered, the fixed mold moving mold should be coated with rust-proof oil. When the mold is stored, it should be closed tightly to prevent dust from entering the cavity.

Yuhuan Shengjiu Mould Co., Ltd. specializes in the production and supply of high-quality Syringe Mould in China. For product information, please visit:
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  • 5 Dec - 31 Dec
    5 Dec 02:19 PM to 31 Dec 02:19 PM
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  • Yuhuan Qinggang, Zhejiang, China
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